Huakina Development Trust
Board of Trustees

Kandi Ngataki - Chairperson
What is important to Kandi about Huakina?
He tangata, He tangata, He tangata
Ngā marae o Tē Puaha o Waikato Ki Manuka
Ko au te awa Ko te awa Ko au
Ko au te whenua Ko te whenua Ko au
What is one goal Kandi wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
Future focus from past direction and succession for Huakina.
To continue to grow, provide, educate, and give direction and guidance for ngā whānau, marae O Te Puaha Waikato Ki Manuka

Trust Secretary
Joyce Erika - Secretary
What is important to Joyce about Huakina?
That it continues to provide assistance and support to Marae and Whānau.
What is one goal Joyce wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
As trust secretary to the Board of Trustees I offer administrative skills and experience to help the Board of Trustees reach its goals.

Beverley Vahai - Trustee
What is important to Beverley about Huakina?
Providing services that are needed for our Marae, people, and community.
What is one goal Beverley wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
To support the visions of our kaumātua before us, by doing the best for our people and providing support to the organisation.

Rawhiti-Whenua Ngataki - Trustee
What is important to Rawhiti-Whenua about Huakina?
We strive to support all generations, including rangatahi, pakeke and kaumātua. We recognise that each group has unique needs and aspirations, and we are committed to addressing them in a way that best serves them. Everything we do is for our people.
What is one goal Rawhiti-Whenua wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
I aspire to advance the Board’s and my own expertise so we can better serve the needs of our communities.
In doing so we will create a thriving talent pool, empowering us as we move into the future.

Te Koroneihana Adrienne Tupaea-Cole - Trustee
What is important to Te Koroneihana Adrienne about Huakina?
Huakina Development Trust was established to awhi Iwi Māori of Te Puaha O Waikato abound the Manukau Harbour, forming important relationships that strengthen Hapū Marae and Whānau well being.
Huakina Development Trust is also a platform for Hapū and Marae to address environmental issues by way of land claims and redress.
What is one goal Te Koroneihana Adrienne wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
To complete the Wai330 claim that was drafted in 1993 by our previous Tūpuna.
And completion of a post-settlement plan.

Hana Jensen - Trustee
What is important to Hana about Huakina?
Well being of Whānau-Kaumātua Mokopuna
Health support wherever it is needed as we have support groups
Trust Board Huakina Development
To achieve all outcomes for Marae Katoa
What is one goal Hana wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
Good skills and achievements for staff and management
More listening and support of our younger Whānau who can be in attendance and learn about our pathway for the future.

Maaka Potini - Trustee
What is important to Maaka about Huakina?
To uphold the standards and Tikanga that has been set by those who started the Kaupapa of Huakina and ensure its survival so that it may continue to serve our people / our role in the future.
What is one goal Maaka wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
To join wai claim committee and continue to process to have it nearer to completion for the betterment of Te Puaha ki Manuka.

Moana Brown - Trustee
What is important to Moana about Huakina?
The past, present and future aspirations, and goals of those that have gone before those that serve us now and those who will serve us in the future.
What is one goal Moana wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
To be a board member who knows what my job is and what my responsibilities are. Understand the policies and how they operate as a board.

Heeni Kani - Trustee
What is important to Heeni about Huakina?
Info to come
What is one goal Heeni wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
Info to come

Tamara Taka-Jones - Trustee
Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Waikato te Awa
Ko Ngati Tamaoho, Ngati Whawhakia te hapu
Ko Mangatangi te Marae
Ko Tamara Taka-Jones toku ingoa
What is important to Tamara about Huakina?
Huakina Development Trust has been a tower of strength for our whānau Māori in our local and wider communities of Te Puaha for 40 years.
What is one goal Tamara wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
It is my wish to see a new strengthened fit-for-purpose Hauora / Health model that will deliver a service to address our whānau Māori health needs and inequities. By having an input via our representatives on IMPB into creating the new Te Whatu Ora Health model this can absolutely be achieved.